A lot is in store for fans when The CW’s hit show “Arrow” returns to the small screen in October for its fourth season. While no official trailer has been released yet, executive producer Marc Guggenheim is already saying that this season is to be the show’s best so far. As per Inquisitr, the upcoming season will be themed ‘Magic and Mysticism.’
For starters, The CW has just released a photo from Season 4 and it is such a treat to all Olicity fans. The photo shows Felicity, played by Emily Bett Rickards, and Oliver, played by Stephen Amell, smiling at each other, hinting that the pair’s relationship will be the core of the season.
Producer Wendy Mericle says that Season 4 will see Oliver in a different place where he’s happy and he’s in love but just like any romance, it’s never perfect. Mericle admits that it’s going to be fun, but it’s going to be challenging as well for the two.
With the release of the photo, Guggenheim says that they are now eyeing a lighter tone for Season 4 of “Arrow.” Guggenheim admits the show has been very dark since the middle of Season 2 and it went dark all the way in Season 3.
A new face will also drop by Starling City. Matt Ryan is set to reprise his role from “Constantine” to make a guest appearance on the show. NBC canceled “Constantine” after only one season and talks of Ryan’s Hellblazer character making an appearance in Starling City was prevalent after the show was axed.
John Constantine is a perfect fit for the show especially with its theme for Season 4. Last season, producers and writers already swam in the world of magic when Ra’s Al Ghul introduced the Lazarus Pit which resurrected Thea Queen, played by Willa Holland, from the dead. Surely, they can link Constantine to that especially when Thea will be experiencing the side effects of the Pit.
The Arrow himself, Stephen Amell, has been gamely updating fans more often than The CW about the show’s upcoming season. The Inquisitr reports that currently, they are already filming the fifth episode titled “Haunted.” Amell says that he has already worked with Ryan for a straight week and the 34-year-old actor has nothing but nice words to say about his new co-star. Amell also said that Ryan is preparing for a Broadway show with Keira Knightley.
For fans hoping that Diggle and Oliver will patch things up easily when Season 4 premieres, they would surely be out of luck. TV Insider reports that the duo’s reunion won’t be a happy one and it might take a while before the brotherhood between the two comes back.
As a refresher, when Oliver was Al Sah Him, he kidnapped Diggles’s wife Lyla, in an attempt to trade her for Nyssa. Oliver indeed did go too far on that one and while the trade did work out pretty well, Diggle was still unable to forgive his friend.
Mericle says Dig, played by David Ramsey, has a huge bone to pick with Oliver when they see each other again. It’s not a good sight to see and it’s really tough for Oliver to buy back his friend’s trust. According to Melty, Mericle confirms that when Oliver gave up his crusade as the Arrow and rode through the sunset with Felicity during the Season 3 finale, Diggle has been in charge of Team Arrow’s operation.
Speaking of Team Arrow, it was reported recently that Team Arrow will be introducing their new lair on Season 4. Back in season 3, the Arrow Cave, as Cisco called it, was pretty much a goner. The CW released a photo of the new lair which is called the Arrow Bunker. Judging by the looks of it, the headquarters is no longer located under a club.
Comicbook.com reports that when producers designed the lair, they considered how Oliver’s group is now much larger compared to the time when it was just him, Diggle and Felicity. Showrunner Guggenheim states that the funny thing about the lair is that it has a space where everyone can meet as well as a personal space for each member of Team Arrow.
While Roy Harper left town last season, the next season will witness Thea Queen’s Speedy in action as well as Katie Cassidy’s Laurel Lance fully stepping up as the Black Canary. Melty reports that more Laurel-centric episodes are up ahead to focus on her and her alter ego. Another familiar face will be returning and it’s a fan favorite.
Charlotte Ross will return to the show’s sixth episode to reprise her role as Donna aka Mama Smoak. While the details of her visit are still under wraps, speculations say that she brings along news about Felicity’s dad. Quite frankly, it’s time to give a face and a name to the person Felicity owes her incredible knowledge to.
The upcoming season will also be focusing on H.I.V.E and Damien Darhk which will be played by Neal McDonough. Darhk was revealed to be a nemesis of Ra’s Al Ghul and on Season 4, it’s his time to be the big bad. Season 4 will also see the resurrection of Caity Lotz’s Sara Lance, courtesy of the Lazarus Pit, to be the White Canary before her “Legends of Tomorrow” role.
Source: Master Herald