

Stephen Amell to Attend NerdHQ Panel

[ Written on July 15 2016 by Admin ]

Stephen will be attending this year’s NerdHQ panel during Comic-Con. His panel will be on July 24, 9 a.m.

The Nerd Machine has started announcing who will be part of the NerdHQ Conversation for a Cause panels during the weekend of the San Diego Comic Con. The event will take place July 21-24 at The New Children’s Museum in San Diego. The panels help towards Operation Smile.

Tickets will be sold starting tomorrow, July 15 at 6:00AM PDT (9:00AM EST) and you can purchase them here. They will be $22.00.

Source: Nerds and Beyond

Photos: San Diego Comic-Con 2015

[ Written on July 15 2015 by admin ]

stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015

stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015

stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015

stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015 stephen amell arrow comic con 2015

Video: The Salmon Ladders will be back next season of ‘Arrow’ (aka more abs)

[ Written on July 15 2015 by admin ]

Video: Stephen Amell Discusses Casey Jones in Ninja Turtles 2

[ Written on July 14 2015 by admin ]

Casey Jones gets an origin story.

Casey Jones will take up his regular arsenal of sports equipment in Ninja Turtles 2, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be the same jovial character we’ve seen before.

Speaking with IGN Live at Comic-Con – you can see the full interview below – actor Stephen Amell discussed his role as Casey Jones in the upcoming sequel to 2014’s Ninja Turtles.

“It’s certainly not your father’s or your younger self’s Casey Jones, but that’s because we meet him at a very different time in his development,” Amell said.

“He is not the Casey Jones that a lot of comic fans have come to know and love. He is a guy with a job that lives in New York and loves hockey. When things go awry, [and] when he goes through the normal methods of what someone would do when they’re [a] law-abiding citizen and he’s met with laughter and scorn… he decides to take things into his own hands.”

An image of Amell in costume on the set of the film was released in early May, showing him as the classic character wielding a hockey stick.

Amell indicated he picked up some notable new skills making the movie, turning to his Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle and saying, “By the way, if Oliver needs to do any new fighting this year, I would suggest a baseball bat or a hockey stick, because I am now proficient!”

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 will debut in theaters on June 3, 2016.

Source: IGN

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